Announcement of stopping issuance of international credit cards SHB Mastercard Gold

SHB Bank respectfully informs customers about this Stop issuing new, reissuing/extending SHB Mastercard Gold credit cards from February 16, 2023 throughout the system

Accordingly, all customers who are current SHB Mastercard Gold credit card holders can continue to use or change to another credit card line as follows:

  • Continue to use the card until its validity expires and current incentives/policies/fees apply until further notice from SHB.
  • Contact the 24/7 hotline or register with SHB business units throughout the system to request a credit card conversion to suit your needs, including: SHB Mastercard Cashback, SHB FCB Mastercard or SHB Visa Platinum (refer to the information below). Information on SHB’s promotional programs and card products here

SHB would like to thank you for your companionship and we commit to continuously building product and service policies to bring better experiences to customers.

To register to open a new credit card with many attractive policies, please contact SHB business units throughout the system/contact Hotline *6688.

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