KienlongBank was honored in the Top 10 best places to work in Vietnam in the banking industry

(TBTCO) – Kien Long Commercial Joint Stock Bank (KienlongBank; stock code: KLB) was honored in the Top 10 best places to work in Vietnam in the banking industry, by Vietnam Business Research Joint Stock Company (Viet Research) in collaboration with Public Investment Newspaper. Dad, last December 8, 2023.

Through many rounds of evaluation and appraisal with strict criteria, KienlongBank has been excellently voted by the Council in the Top 10 best places to work in Vietnam in the banking industry.

This is special recognition for KienlongBank’s efforts in achieving the best achievements in terms of working environment, employee remuneration policies, and stable and sustainable business results.

The best working environment creates the best value for employees

2023 is considered to continue to be a difficult and challenging year, because the general effects of the world economic situation have a significant impact on the domestic economy. These difficulties have caused many disturbances in the human resources of businesses. In that challenging context, KienlongBank once again affirmed its position as one of the Top banks with systematic investment strategies in terms of working environment and human resource quality.

KienlongBank was honored in the Top 10 best places to work in Vietnam in the banking industry
Deputy General Director Tran Hong Minh was honored to receive the Top 10 best places to work in the banking industry award from KienlongBank.

As one of the four pillars in the journey of developing digital and modern banking, human resource development is always the bank’s top priority and focus. KienlongBank builds corporate culture according to the core values ​​of Mind – Trust – Kien – Green, keeping the “identity” of the bank with the oldest tradition in the Mekong Delta.

With the message throughout the age of 28 “Digital vitality”, this is the motivation for KienlongBank to create a modern digital working environment, increasing digital experience for customers and bank employees. The happiness index of KienlongBank employees is not only measured in terms of salary, bonus – welfare regimes but is a combination of cultural factors, modern facilities, and a fun working environment. It creates inspiration to work and create values ​​that contribute to society.

“To achieve this impressive result, KienlongBank always prioritizes investment in developing human resources and working environment. What makes a difference in the banking environment is that each individual is recognized and promotes their creativity and continuous innovation, contributing to the prosperous development of KienlongBank” – KienlongBank representative shared.

Attract talent, develop human resources to serve the digital transformation strategy

At KienlongBank, talent development activities are designed with human resources as the center, focusing on increasing practical experience to develop capacity, creating a flexible human resource ready to supplement key positions. according to the development needs of the bank.

KienlongBank has implemented many quality internal programs, focusing on training and fostering the next team in a proactive and methodical manner through 4 stages of the “Future Director” program. At the same time, the bank also implements campaigns to attract young human resources, creating opportunities for candidates to learn and work in a dynamic and creative environment. “Potential Intern 2023” is the journey to begin conquering the dream of becoming a genuine Banker in the version of “KienlongBank New Zeneration” at the bank.

KienlongBank was honored in the Top 10 best places to work in Vietnam in the banking industry
Cultural and engagement activities are always maintained and innovated by the bank.

“Always maintain the spirit of continuous innovation to serve customers” KienlongBank promotes recruitment activities to attract talented, young and dynamic labor sources to contribute to rejuvenating the workforce. With employees of the Gen Z generation, KienlongBank is constantly innovating in recruiting and retaining personnel: building a modern, professional workspace and digital experience to create an attractive working environment.

With 28 years of construction and development, KienlongBank is proud to have built a corporate culture with unique characteristics, creating an ideal workplace for employees, choosing it as a place to build their career. and develop. Each member has been working together to create a sincere, happy, trustworthy KienlongBank, spreading the message “Willing to share” to customers, the community and society./.

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