Opportunity to win SJC 999.9 gold for corporate customers transacting at SHB

From now until the end of 2023, corporate customers when making transactions at Saigon – Hanoi Bank (SHB) will have the opportunity to win SJC 999.9 gold with a total prize value of up to 139 taels of gold as a thank you to customers. on the occasion of the bank’s 30th anniversary (November 13, 1993 – November 13, 2023).

Accordingly, for each online or over-the-counter transaction, corporate customers will be given a bonus code to participate in the lucky draw program with a total prize value of up to 139 SJC 999.9 gold taels. Transactions apply to deposit products and services (non-term, term); loan disbursement; buy/sell foreign currency; Transactions that incur fees/interest at SHB…

Each corporate customer can be given many bonus codes based on the type of product or service, transaction turnover, and there is no limit to the number of bonus codes.

The lucky draw ceremony is expected to be held on January 10, 2024 with 2 drawing periods. The Engagement draw applies to all corporate customers who are given prize codes. The prize structure includes: 01 First prize is 01 tael of gold; 02 Second prizes each worth 05 gold taels; 03 Third prizes, each with 03 gold taels and 10 Consolation prizes, each with 01 gold tael.

In particular, corporate customers who have been with SHB for 5 years or more will participate in additional Success Drawings and have the opportunity to receive prizes including: 01 First Prize of 03 taels of gold; 02 Second prizes are 02 taels of gold each and 03 Third prizes are 01 tael of gold each.

Besides the opportunity to win gold, SHB also offers many incentives to corporate customers such as giving each corporate customer 01 Beautiful Number Account and 50% discount on fees when opening another Beautiful Number Account associated with establishment date, tax code, registration. business… or meaningful numbers that bring luck and convenience at work.

Corporate customers also receive the first 01 year free for the Payment Account Combo Package (TKTT), the first 03 years free for the Centralized Account Management Service and the first 01 year free for the Account Collection Service. identification, helping customers save up to 100% of money transfer fees via Internet Banking, 70% of money transfer fees at the counter compared to registering each individual product and service.

In 2023, import-export businesses will also be exempted/reduced from international payment fees and guarantee fees; Customers who are administrative units, small and medium-sized enterprises, construction and assembly enterprises, and priority enterprises will have the bank build a suitable package financing solution.

In particular, SHB implements a preferential interest rate package with a total limit of up to VND 5,000 billion for corporate customers in priority fields such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, supporting industries, exports, energy, etc. clean energy, consumer trade, education, healthcare, green projects… with preferential loan interest rates from only 8.97%/year with terms of 6 months or less. At the same time, SHB also set aside VND 1,000 billion for corporate customers who need to borrow cars to buy cars with a loan term of 36 months or more with an interest rate of only 9%/year.

The “Trade now – Win gold lottery” program and incentive packages are deployed to express gratitude to customers who have always trusted and accompanied the bank during the 30-year development journey of the bank. With the motto “Taking customers and the market as the center”, SHB will always accompany and stick with businesses by offering diverse products and services, preferential capital, and being ready to bring solutions. Flexible finance helps businesses optimize capital efficiency, increase competitiveness and expand operational scale, contributing to sustainable development.

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