Proactively cancel SMS service and register for free to receive balance notifications via the application with SHB

In order to maximize the cost of using financial services and improve the safety of customer transaction information, from June 3, 2022, customers of Saigon – Hanoi Bank (SHB) can proactively cancel the SMS service notifying account balance changes to the free form of receiving notifications via SHB Mobile application (Push Notification)

Accordingly, customers will enjoy countless benefits when receiving balance notifications via SHB Mobile, specifically:

Receive traditional Balance Alerts Get balance notifications in a more modern way
Fee of 11,000 VND/month for each account that wants to register to receive balance changes Free balance notifications
If the customer has more than 1 account, the customer will register the SMS corresponding to the account numbers they want to receive notifications. Register once, free for life for all customer accounts
The message may not display enough information due to the character/SMS limit as prescribed by the network operator The notification content is fully displayed with clear, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-follow content
Messages may be sent late according to network operator regulations or delayed due to transmission interruptions Notifications of balance fluctuations are sent in real time of transactions on SHB Mobile.
Customers go to the counter to cancel the service Customers proactively cancel the sms service and register to receive notifications on SHB Mobile

For more detailed information, please call the 24/7 hotline: *6688 or go to the nearest transaction point.

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