Receive unlimited rewards from the program “Refer a friend now – Millions in hand” with SHB

From April 10, 2023 to December 31, 2023, Saigon – Hanoi Bank (SHB) continues to implement the program “Introduce a friend now – Millions in hand”. This To be SHB special promotion program for customers, help participants have a chance increase more income, with unlimited bonuses.

Accordingly, the introducer (NGT) is a customer who is using the service and whose customer code is the account number registered at SHB. After successfully introducing friends and relatives to open an online account on the SHB Mobile application using the online identification feature (eKYC), NGT will receive a “rain” of bonuses from SHB.

Specifically, SHB donates 50,000 VND for each referral that successfully opens a payment account. The referred person will also immediately receive an eVoucher code of 30,000 VND for the phone top-up service.

In addition, SHB offers special incentives to 10 successful candidates who have at least 50 customers and satisfy the program’s conditions. Specifically, the Top 1 NGT with the most successful customers in the month will receive a prize worth 10 million VND; The top 3 NGT with the second highest number in the month will receive a reward worth 5 million VND; The top 6 NGT with the 3rd highest number in the month will receive a reward worth 2 million VND.

From the 10th to the 15th of every month, NGT will receive bonus payments to NGT’s payment account at SHB for customers who successfully introduced themselves in the previous month.

In addition, when owning an SHB account, customers receive many attractive incentives such as: Free account number coinciding with date of birth and phone number; Exempt account maintenance balance; Lifetime exemption of transfer fees; Free phone top-up discount code worth 20,000 VND on golden days 5 – 15 – 25.

Customers participate in the Promotion Program to introduce friends and relatives to opening new accounts using the eKYC feature on SHB Mobile and experience SHB’s superior products and services.

For more details, please visit here

For detailed introduction list in April (from April 10, 2023 to April 30, 2023), please visit: here

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