SHB deploys collection service via Slink identification account on Internet Banking for Business Customers

Understanding the needs of corporations-sized businesses and businesses with supply chains that need to record at real time and manage revenue accurately at each point of sale, from February 6, 2023, SHB deploys collection service via Slink identification account on Internet banking for corporate customers and at SHB transaction counters nationwide

Accordingly, the Service provides more effective business management solutions than current traditional methods. Transactions transferred to the Enterprise’s payment account classified through the Slink identification account will be systematized, integrated and processed quickly and automatically to bring optimal convenience, helping Enterprises:

  • Actively identify Business points for each account.
  • Receive Revenue from business points to the Enterprise’s payment account in real time.
  • Convenient Manage cash flow/revenue of each business location via Internet Banking for corporate customers.
  • Support each business point Easy query and management get actual revenue.
  • Ensuring 3 factors: Flexibility – Fastness – Efficiency.

Businesses can register for services via SHB Internet Banking at all transaction points throughout the SHB system or contact Hotline *6688 for more detailed information.

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