SHB deploys the utility of issuing deposit confirmations to customers who deposit money online

From July 7, 2022, Saigon – Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SHB) officially launches the utility of issuing Deposit Confirmation for customers who deposit online savings on ebank SHB. With this utility, customers can not only receive savings deposit confirmation for online deposits, just like receiving books when depositing at the counter, but also enjoy an additional interest rate of up to 0.5%/year compared to depositing at the counter. the counter.

Previously, customers who deposited online savings on ebank only owned online savings accounts, now customers can contact SHB bank to request a printed deposit confirmation. Issuing and finalizing savings books for customers who deposit online is exactly the same as issuing and finalizing savings books when customers deposit savings at the counter. This utility helps customers a lot in flexibly meeting their financial needs

To receive Online Deposit Confirmation at SHB, customers only need to do 1 of 2 simple steps as follows:

Saving money online is a trend chosen by most customers because of its convenience and flexibility in time. Customers can deposit savings at any time (24/7), including weekends and holidays, without having to go out, and proactively choose the maturity method: Automatic maturity or Settlement to payment account at the end of the term with extremely high security. In particular, customers who make online savings transactions at SHB also enjoy attractive interest rate incentives plus up to 0.5%/year compared to regular savings deposits at the counter.

To deposit online savings, customers just need to download SHB Mobile, select “Register for SHB Mobile” (for customers who already have a SHB account) and select “Open an online account” (for customers who do not have a SHB account). ), open an account anywhere in 3 minutes, then customers can transfer money from another account to save money online with the most attractive interest rates on the market.

For more detailed information, please contact Hotline * 6688

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