SHB will stop the program to accumulate and redeem credit card reward points

From June 30, 2022, Saigon – Hanoi Bank (SHB) respectfully informs customers who are credit card holders about stopping the current reward point accumulation and redemption program on credit card statements; and all bonus points of valid cards will be transferred to the new SHB Rewards system on the SHB Mobile application.

This is an activity within the plan to digitize, innovate and increase customer experience with new, more convenient, superior and attractive utilities. Accordingly, all reward points of valid credit card holders will be transferred to the SHB Rewards system:

Conditions for applying point transfer:

  • Customers using SHB Mobile service at the time of finalizing the point transfer list
  • The number of accumulated bonus points on SHB Mastercard/ SHB Visa Platinum card reaches 100 points or more at the time SHB closes the data.
  • The credit card is still valid and in use at the time SHB finalizes the data.

Conversion rate:

10 bonus points accumulated on the current card statement will be automatically converted into 02 bonus points on the SHB Rewards system.

Main Point exchange book:

Customers can view detailed reward points after conversion on the SHB Mobile application, and redeem points for thousands of attractive gifts according to the next announcements of the SHB Rewards program.

(**) Cardholders/cards that do not meet the conditions for converting reward points to the new SHB Rewards system will have all points invalidated after the statement date of July 2022.

To register for SHB Mobile service, please visit here:

For more detailed information, please call Hotline 24/7: *6688/024 62754332!

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