Together with SHB, use electricity safely, economically and effectively

Recently, due to the impact of the El Nino phenomenon, intense hot weather has occurred nationwide, especially concentrated in the Northern and Central regions, leading to increased demand for electricity. record high. This also leads to a high risk of overload, breakdown, circuit breaker, and even fire and explosion in household electricity use.

According to the recommendations of the Northern Power Corporation (EVNNPC), Saigon – Hanoi Bank (SHB) respectfully hopes that customers and the Bank can use electricity safely and economically, especially during peak hours, to Limit the risk of local incidents on the power grid as well as in the home.

Accordingly, Customers should limit the use of high-capacity equipment during peak hours (noon from 12:00 to 15:00, evening from 9:00 to 24:00), should only use necessary equipment; Industrial customers arrange appropriate production schedules, avoiding extreme heat days as recommended by provincial power companies.

For businesses, you should proactively convert to green energy, use equipment and machinery that consume less energy, use electricity during off-peak hours…

For households, the amount of electricity used by customers not only depends on the characteristics and usage time of the device, but is also influenced by the external environment, architecture, and space in which electricity is used. , characteristics of electrical equipment, user habits… These factors also have a great impact on power consumption, so you should set the air conditioner temperature from 26 to 27 degrees Celsius combined With fan to save electricity.

Customers should choose and use electrical equipment with energy saving labels according to regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade; Regularly clean and maintain equipment to operate stably and economically, and unplug electrical equipment when not in use.

In addition, customers actively use renewable energy sources to reduce electricity bills at high price levels. At the same time, make the most of sunlight and natural ventilation to save electricity.

Along with calling on customers to actively participate in saving electricity, SHB has enhanced solutions to increase electricity saving such as:

Promote the dissemination and thorough understanding of the program on saving and preventing waste and implementing electricity saving to all employees to raise awareness, responsibility and awareness of the importance of saving electricity. in maintaining energy stability, minimizing the risk of electricity shortage in 2023; At the same time, save costs to devote resources to implementing customer support solutions;

Include electricity saving content in the annual evaluation criteria of task completion, internal discipline compliance and emulation and reward of collectives and individuals;

Develop, promulgate and organize the implementation of internal regulations on management and economical use of electricity; regulations on use, maintenance and repair of electricity consuming equipment at agencies and units. Regularly inspect, review and urge the implementation of internal regulations and electricity saving solutions of groups and individuals in the unit;

At the same time, use machinery and equipment with the correct capacity, giving priority to using equipment labeled with high energy efficiency; have a reasonable production plan, minimizing the mobilization of equipment and machinery with large consumption capacity during peak hours; comply with energy consumption norms according to regulations…;

The work of disseminating and thoroughly understanding the Electricity Saving Implementation Program is part of SHB’s Green Growth Action Plan. This plan is implemented synchronously by SHB according to a specific roadmap, from raising awareness of employees, partners, and customers about the importance of green credit growth; reforming regulations, processes, mechanisms to “tailoring” credit products and banking services for green fields. At the same time, SHB gradually transformed its credit structure towards giving priority to customers engaged in production and business activities in green fields, contributing to promoting loan customers to change projects and capital use purposes. borrow to environmentally friendly projects.

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