On May 3, the US Federal Reserve (FED) announced an increase in reference interest rates by 25 basis points (0.25%), despite fluctuations in the banking industry. Reference interest rates in the US are currently around 5-5.25%. This is the highest level in more than 15 years.

Last week, another bank in the US collapsed since March, First Republic Bank. JPMorgan Chase has won the right to acquire First Republic Bank in an emergency government-led intervention in efforts to rescue the bank.

In Vietnam, the macroeconomy is basically stable, inflation is controlled, and major balances are guaranteed. Inflation tends to decrease over the months, April decreased by 0.34% compared to March; The 4-month average increased by 3.84% over the same period last year. The production and business situation has many positive signs.

Last week, world gold prices fluctuated with a large amplitude, decreasing at the end of the week but still standing above the threshold of 2,000 USD/ounce. Closing the weekend trading session at 2,016 USD/ounce, up nearly 1.4% compared to last week. Domestically, gold prices fluctuate in opposite directions. Currently, DOJI Group lists SJC gold price at 66.40 million VND/tael purchased and 67.10 million VND/tael sold. Other types of gold jewelry also decreased following the general trend of the market during the weekend session.

The stock market had a downtrend trading week. For the whole week, VN-Index decreased 8.81 points (0.84%) points, down to 1,040.31 points. Open-ended stock funds still maintain performance compared to the market, the risk level of the portfolio is always maintained lower than the general market. In there, VCBF-MGF stock fund certificates are having the best performance over the past week, up 0.55% compared to the previous week.

In the past week, bond funds have maintained stable profits with positive rates of return. Among them, VCBF-FIF bond fund certificates are having the best performance with an increase of 0.53%.