With the desire to perfect the Online Loan and Mortgage Credit product in a more convenient way and bring customers’ trust, from August 26, 2022, SHB officially deployed the feature. Borrow additional money from your savings book (maximum 5 loans) With this new feature, customers can borrow more at any time and can borrow multiple times on their own savings book.
To experience this feature, customers only need to:
- There is an Online Savings Book/Paper Book
- Make a loan 100% Online without having to go to a transaction point.
- 3 minutes Apply for an Online loan on SHB Mobile instead of more than 1 hour of procedures at the counter
With outstanding offers:
- Loan limit up to 5 billion VND
- Loan rate to 90% Savings book value
- Free of charge early repayment
- Interest rate: equal to the interest rate on savings books/online savings deposits (+) minimum 2.5%/year
- Loan term flexible: Minimum 1 day to maximum 12 months
In just 3 minutes, 5 simple steps, the customer has completed the additional loan on the borrowed savings book:
All these utilities are provided by SHB free of charge with the hope of bringing the best experiences and maximizing customers’ financial needs to serve the needs of life.
For more detailed information, please contact Hotline * 6688