SHB continues to implement the program “Introduce a friend now – Millions in hand”

From day 05October 2023 to the end of October 31/first2/2023, SHB continues to implement the program “Introduce a friend now – Millions of dollarsbee “hand” for individual and corporate customers when introducing customers to open new SHB accounts via eKYC on SHB Mobile.

The program will bring many attractive incentives, specifically:

Besides, customers also receive many attractive incentives when opening an account at SHB such as: Free account number coinciding with date of birth and phone number; Exempt account maintenance balance; Free lifetime transfer fees…

The “Introduce a friend now – Millions in hand” program is an opportunity for customers to introduce friends and relatives to open new accounts using the eKYC feature on SHB Mobile to experience convenient products and services. SHB’s superior benefits and at the same time receive more incentives from SHB

Please see program details here.

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