SHB offers free exchange of domestic debit cards with contactless chip technology

Implementing the regulations of the State Bank of Vietnam on converting magnetic cards to Contactless (contactless) technology chip cards, SHB Bank continues to exchange free of charge for customers who own SHB magnetic ATM cards to VCCS contactless Chip card so that cardholders can participate in more benefits, ensure security, transaction safety and prevent and limit damages that may arise during card use.

Customers can change their card in one of the following two ways:

Method 1: Customers come to SHB branches/transaction offices nationwide to receive support for card exchange

Method 2: Customers contact SHB’s 24/7 Customer Support Center via hotline: *6688

During the conversion period, SHB ensures that card operations continue continuously, stably, safely and ensures all rights of Cardholders!

SHB is always ready to serve and support customers best at all times!

For more detailed information, please contact the nearest Business Unit or Hotline: *6688

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