Warning about fraud and fake bank messages

Recently, there have been many fake messages appearing from banks in Vietnam, including Saigon – Hanoi Bank (SHB), to announce registration for global financial services/registration for advertising programs on the Internet. social networking platforms, password change warnings, service update warnings with the purpose of having customers provide user/password/OTP.

The message content is often accompanied by a fake link that is similar to SHB’s official website, making customers easily confused and caught off guard. When customers log in to the fake link with a username/password, this information will be transferred to the hacker’s server and used to gain access to the customer’s electronic banking account and property. .

To ensure the safety of customers’ assets, SHB recommends the following:

1. Be careful and carefully check received messages. To check whether the received SMS message is from SHB or not, customers only need to do 3 steps:

  • Step 1: Copy the message suspected of being fake.
  • Step 2: Send the copied message to the network operator’s number to check: 9548 (Viettel network); 9241 (Mobiphone network); 1551 (Vinaphone network).
  • Step 3: Compare with the network operator’s response.
  • If the message is indeed sent by the Bank: The customer will receive a confirmation message from the network operator.
  • If the message is fraudulent: Customers will receive non-banking message information provided by the network operator.

2. SHB NEVER Require customers to provide transaction information (login name, password, OTP code…) or request money transfer in the form of texting, calling, or emailing. Therefore, Customer Not provided confidential information to anyone, including Bank employees.

3. DO NOT access fake links And note that you only make transactions on SHB’s official pages: https://www.shb.com.vn or https://ibanking.shb.com.vn or use SHB’s Mobile Banking software.

If customers detect any messages, calls, or emails that show signs of fraud, please immediately contact SHB’s 24/7 Customer Support Center at hotline *6688 or the nearest SHB transaction points to Supported.

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