The luckiest customers have been found to win SHB’s “Giving Gratitude – Receiving Engagement” program

On March 13, 2023, in Hanoi, Saigon – Hanoi Bank (SHB) held the final drawing ceremony of the promotional program “Giving gratitude – Receiving engagement” publicly, transparently and finding have the luckiest customers.

The “Giving Gratitude – Receiving Engagement” program is a preferential program for individual customers using SHB deposit, card and digital banking products and services with a total prize value of up to 1.3 billion copper. After nearly 5 months of implementation throughout the system, the program has received the attention and support of many participating customers, the total deposit amount reached more than 3,700 billion VND and thousands of valuable gifts were given. directly to customers.

At the drawing ceremony at the end of the program, SHB continued to find 88 luckiest customers to win valuable prizes, specifically: 01 special prize is a savings book worth 290 million VND; 29 First prizes are savings books worth 29 million VND and 58 Second prizes are savings books worth 2.9 million VND. Promotional program “Give gratitude – Receive engagement” is not only SHB’s thanks to customers who have trusted and chosen the bank but also a commitment to accompany and constantly strive to improve and improve the quality of SHB’s products and services to Bringing customers sustainable values.

Some pictures at the Drawing Ceremony:

Ms. Nguyen Thi Huyen – the luckiest customer to win the Special Prize shared: “When I received the news of winning the prize, at first I was very surprised and did not believe it. But now I feel extremely happy when SHB brought me great luck at the beginning of the year. I would like to send my deepest thanks to SHB and hope that more customers will win prizes when using the bank’s services.”

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Duong Quoc Tu – Deputy Director of Retail Banking Division shared: One of the Bank’s most outstanding successes over the past 29 years is building a long-lasting relationship. and gain the companionship of millions of loyal customers. Having customers who have placed their trust, attachment and companionship with SHB is the driving force, helping the bank create a sustainable value “like a diamond” that shines forever over time.

With the orientation of becoming the top modern retail bank in Vietnam and the region, in the coming time SHB will continue to implement many incentive programs and develop more safe and modern products and services. modern, increasing maximum convenience for customers.

Please see the list of winners here!

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