1- Market information

According to newly released data, Japan’s core inflation index in June inched up 0.1% compared to May, at 3.3%. The main reason is due to the sharp increase in electricity prices. This increase is still lower than the forecast (3.5%) of the Bank of Japan (BOJ). Meanwhile, US inflation was 3% in June. Thus, for the first time in 8 years, Japanese inflation surpassed the US.

Based on data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China, Reuters calculated that in June, real estate sales decreased by 28.1% over the same period last year. Investment in real estate in this country totaled 1,285 billion yuan, down 20.6% compared to last year. Newly built house prices in June are slowing down after increasing the previous month.

During her first visit to Vietnam as US Secretary of the Treasury, Ms. Janet Yellen affirmed that Vietnam is currently an important “player” in the international arena, playing a key role in many global supply chains. such as textiles and garments, electronic components… Many leading US corporations such as Apple and Google have a significant and growing presence in Vietnam.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has just adjusted Vietnam’s growth forecast for 2023 from 6.5% to 5.8%, and from 6.8% to 6.2% in 2024. Vietnam’s inflation is forecast to slow down to 4% in 2023 and 2024.

2- Gold market

World gold prices continue their upward trend thanks to the prospect that the Fed will end its monetary policy tightening cycle after this month. Closing the trading session at 1,960.9 USD/ounce, a slight increase of 0.3%. Domestically, SJC gold price fluctuated in the opposite direction, decreasing by 100,000 – 300,000 VND/tael. Specifically, DOJI Group is listing the buying and selling price of SJC gold at 66.45 – 67.15 million VND/tael. Other types of gold jewelry also adjusted downward during the weekend session.

3- Stock fund certificates

The stock market had a positive trading week. For the whole week, VN-Index increased a total of 17.5 points (1.5%), to 1,185.9 points. Open-ended stock funds still maintain performance compared to the market, the risk level of the portfolio is always maintained lower than the general market. In there, VCBF-MGF stock fund certificates are having the best performance from the beginning of 2023 until now at 28%.

4- Bond fund certificates

In the past week, bond funds have maintained a stable profit level with a positive rate of return of over 3%. Among them, MAFF bond fund certificates are having the best performance from the beginning of 2023 until now is 5.35%.

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